Korean actor Kim Soo-hyun has recently addressed the dating rumors involving his Queen of Tears co-star Kim Ji-won. The rumors resurfaced after messages between Kim Soo-hyun and his fans on the communication platform Bubble were shared online. In one message, a fan playfully suggested that he marry Kim Ji-won and publicly announce their relationship. Kim Soo-hyun denied the speculation, responding with, “I hope you will now view the drama as just a drama,” urging fans to separate their onscreen roles from reality.
The rumors first emerged after Queen of Tears, where Kim Soo-hyun and Kim Ji-won portrayed a married couple. After the show’s conclusion, Kim Soo-hyun posted photos from an overseas fan meeting but later deleted them. Internet users noticed striking similarities between his photos and those shared by Kim Ji-won from a fashion event in Taiwan. The photos featured similar outfits and poses, sparking further rumors about a possible relationship between the two.
These similarities led to widespread speculation, and fans began to connect the dots between the actors’ public appearances. However, both Kim Soo-hyun and Kim Ji-won’s agencies chose not to respond to the growing rumors, remaining silent on the matter. The lack of confirmation or denial from the agencies fueled online discussions, but the actors themselves did not engage in any further comments regarding their personal lives.
Despite the ongoing rumors, Kim Soo-hyun’s response to fans suggests that he wishes to put the speculation to rest. He emphasized that his relationship with Kim Ji-won should be viewed purely as a professional one, separate from their characters in Queen of Tears. The rumors did not deter the actors’ careers, as both continue to receive attention for their work.
Kim Soo-hyun is set to return to the screen this year with the Disney+ series Knock-Off, where he plays the role of Kim Sung-jun, a man whose life changes dramatically due to the IMF crisis. Kim Ji-won, meanwhile, continues to pursue various projects in the entertainment industry, further solidifying her status as a popular actress in South Korea.