Jeremiah and Hannah Duggar, known for their appearances on 19 Kids and Counting, announced they are expecting their third child. The couple shared the joyful news on Instagram on December 25, posting a sweet photo of themselves with their two daughters, Brynley Noelle and Brielle Grace. They revealed they are expecting another daughter, set to arrive in late spring. Their announcement reflected their happiness, with the couple expressing excitement about adding a third little girl to their growing family.
Their second daughter, Brielle Grace, was born in February 2024, just 14 months after the birth of their first child, Brynley Noelle, in December 2022. This means that their children will be very close in age, and they are looking forward to expanding their family further. The couple’s parenting journey has been quick and filled with joy, as they embrace the challenges and rewards of raising young children together.
Jeremiah and Hannah’s relationship also developed rapidly, with Jeremiah proposing to Hannah in January 2022, just two months after announcing their relationship. Jeremiah expressed his deep love for Hannah in the announcement, calling her the best thing that ever happened to him. He was overjoyed about their upcoming marriage and thanked both their families, including his twin brother Jedidiah Duggar and sister-in-law Katey Nakatsu Duggar, for helping make the engagement special.
The couple’s extended families have become increasingly intertwined. This summer, Hannah’s brother, Stephen Wissmann, married Jeremiah’s sister, Jana Duggar, adding a new layer to the family dynamics. Jeremiah jokingly shared his thoughts on the wedding, comparing it to the previous Duggar/Wissmann wedding. The connection between the Wissmann and Duggar families continues to grow, showing how tightly knit both families are.
The relationship between Stephen and Jana was also noteworthy. Although they initially broke off their relationship, they eventually reconnected over the years. Jana shared that Stephen’s consistent love and character won her over, despite the challenges of being part of such large, busy families. Their eventual marriage further intertwined the Duggar and Wissmann families, continuing the cycle of love and togetherness that has defined the Duggars’ family dynamic.